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Trusted Supplier of Quality Spores for Microscopy

How can I pay for my order?

Due to the nature of our product, we are unable to accept credit or debit card payments. We can accept eChecks, processed by Pinwheel ASK, and Bitcoin, processed by BitPay.

How to pay with eCheck:

  1. Add products to cart
  2. Fill in shipping information
  3. Choose "Pinwheel ASK" as your payment method
  4. Enter the billing address that matches what is on file with your bank
  5. Click on "Submit Order & Proceed to Payment," and you will be redirected to Pinwheel's secure checkout page
  6. Enter your bank account number and your routing number
  7. After successful payment, you will be redirected back to

How to pay with Bitcoin:

  1. Add products to cart
  2. Fill in shipping information
  3. Choose "BitPay" as your payment method
  4. For your billing address select "Same as shipping address"
  5. Click on "Submit Order & Proceed to Payment," and you will be redirected to BitPay's secure checkout page
  6. Follow the instructions to make your Bitcoin payment
  7. After successful payment, you will be redirected back to